Before initiating first merchant payment, please ensure that you have devApp created with merchant services added to configuration. To authorize API requests, use Basic Authorization method:
Authorization: Basic BASE64(ClientId:ClientSecret)
Use ClientKey and ClientSecret from devApp.
For more details see RFC-7617 .
API v2 authentication requirements (request signing)
Use private key provided by our team after signing the contract.
We are generating keys for your convenience. To increase security we recommend to generate private and public key pair yourself and share public key with us instead.
openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in private.pem -out public.pem
All requests must contain a digital signature in X-Signature header. To generate signature, you have to calculate SHA256 hash of concatenated string with request parameters and sign the hash using RSA private key (String may need to be converted to UTF-8 before hashing).
Let’s sign Payment Initiation API request with this body:
"merchant": {
"brandId": "6ce66290-71a3-4376-be87-77f16cf6fe19",
"redirectUrl": "https://localhost"
"payment": {
"paymentMethod": [
"providerCountryCode": "FI",
"debtorName": "Wehner, Padberg and Pfannerstill",
"instructedAmount": {
"amount": "1.23",
"currency": "EUR"
"remittanceInformationUnstructured": "Multi-tiered global leverage"
"identifiers": {
"merchantReference": "a983cef4-4969-487a-b7fb-0308e2038d27",
"endToEndId": "3zNK8E5NpDsVrYdUknF988RPud"
"consumer": {
"firstName": "Darrel",
"lastName": "Keeling",
"ipAddress": ""
- Get the request method and convert it to lowercase
var reqMethod = "post";
- Get request URL without https:// and convert it to lowercase
var reqUrl = "";
- Get the request body and minify it (remove all spaces, tabs, newlines)
var reqBodyMinified = reqBody.replace(/\s+/g, '');
- Concatenate all three variables using vertical bar (pipeline) symbol
as separator
var dataToSign = reqMethod + "|" + reqUrl + "|" + reqBodyMinified;
- Calculate SHA256 hash of the concatenated string and sign the hash using RSA private key (String may need to be converted to UTF-8 before hashing)
const dataToSign = reqMethod + "|" + reqUrl + "|" + reqBodyMinified;
var sig = new{"alg": "SHA256withRSA"});
var signature = sig.signString(dataToSign); // Hashes and signs string
This sample uses postman-util-lib library by joolfe.
- Encode the resulting signature bytes in Base64 and place them in X-Signature header
const encodedSignature = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(signature));
For complete working sample, please check Pre-request script.
- Request sample:
POST /merchant/payments HTTP/1.1
X-Request-ID: ce9db1f3-4c19-4447-a717-0239b15bb049
Accept: application/json;version=2
Content-Type: application/json
X-Signature: IzfqLFmHTkszikfbJ9fJgJDAI9uD+fVHoS9pPGl3avBJ5nZKuaxQsqLlwDwNGRfMCHHwP/9q+cP9DLahwLGkSI1e61I1TLxeVINcflyehypdF5rtEL/Xx5TguHdXgLqV60hVME0BArB1jAro8imAoey9sDkxfuyesm3bizqyYwVTVLKbpCX5tBrcOVbRC6MboG9z+H6jqGLBJSCxMz3QTzQ7ieWb0woW0Ex/AyHW5UN3vrBwPnlOBbTovWe82dklia7xAIpiL6mhzGz5JCwmscVcUqhv9sxOwXxhHCBydM0Xal7WiRWmJ0fd0It+V6uoJYW7RldmTRvjK84EwFULcA==
Authorization: Basic NTQxOThmNTItN2Q5Mi0zZjk4LTk5ZmEtOTE5OTE2NWEzZDQ3OjdmMGVhYjExLWVjZDEtM2UwZi05OTgzLWQ3OWIwNjYyYTZkYw==
"merchant": {
"brandId": "6ce66290-71a3-4376-be87-77f16cf6fe19",
"redirectUrl": "https://localhost"
"payment": {
"paymentMethod": [
"providerCountryCode": "FI",
"debtorName": "Wehner, Padberg and Pfannerstill",
"instructedAmount": {
"amount": "1.23",
"currency": "EUR"
"remittanceInformationUnstructured": "Multi-tiered global leverage"
"identifiers": {
"merchantReference": "a983cef4-4969-487a-b7fb-0308e2038d27",
"endToEndId": "3zNK8E5NpDsVrYdUknF988RPud"
"consumer": {
"firstName": "Darrel",
"lastName": "Keeling",
"ipAddress": ""
Create a brand
To start testing this service, drop a message to [email protected] mentioning you will want to integrate Merchant APIs and receive Stage account. Please add your email (will be used as login to stage environment) and phone No (to receive SMS OTPs). After you receive credentials from our dev-support, go to your online-banking, select “Merchant” tab and fill merchant application. After done, contact dev-support to approve contract creation, you will receive brandId
. You will also receive .pem certificate via email that is attached to your brand. You can use this cert for signing requests.
To receive this service, you will need to have a merchant contract – MAR (Master Authorized Representative) should go to online-banking, select “Merchant” tab and fill merchant application. After approval contact [email protected] and send us your production public key, after it’s added to brand configuration we will share brandId
with you.