To initiate currency exchange payment you should call Initiate Currency Exchange Payment API.
Tip! Make sure your Access token has ob-ps and ob-ps:authz-nosca scopes in it
Parameters description and conditions can be found in Initiate Currency Exchange Payment API.
Response body of Initiate Currency Exchange Payment API will return “paymentOrderNo”, “currencyConversionFees”, “transactionAmount” and “currencyExchange” information
"paymentOrderNo": "s-37654339403522130362",
"externalReference": "3nmfQSrQXjTyt8VE5NpsZqgRDvXcgSD3wy",
"transactionFeeIndicator": true,
"currencyConversionFees": {
"percent": "0.77"
"transactionAmount": {
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": "92.77"
"currencyExchange": {
"sourceCurrency": "EUR",
"targetCurrency": "USD",
"exchangeRate": "1.0779781589",
"marketExchangeRate": "1.086343",
"instructedAmount": {
"currency": "USD",
"amount": "100.00"