Recall payment initiation

Tip! Make sure your Access token as BaaS Partner has ob-baas-ps and ob-baas-ps:authz-nosca scopes in it.

Parameters and their descriptions mentioned below.

paymentOrderNopayment order number which should be recalled (refunded)
  "paymentOrderNo": "s-70752374481170997670",
  "paymentRail": "INTERNAL",
  "transactionStatus": "RCVD",
  "transactionFeeIndicator": true,
  "transactionFees": {
    "amount": "0.00",
    "currency": "EUR"

Tip! "paymentOrderNo" received in the response body of Recall payment API is a new paymentOrderNo of a payment, which is a recall payment!
Please note that it’s not the original paymentOrderNo (sent in Recall payment API request body).

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