Open account for corporate client

Steps how to open restricted corporate client account:

  1. ConnectPay requires to provide identity verification information for company Master Authorized Representative (MAR). Before providing client data, you need to get approved IDV and ConnectPay personId for MAR. personId indicates that person identity was verified.
  2. ConnectPay requires to provide supporting documents for corporate client. Before providing client data, you need to upload all required documents and get fileId for each.
  3. Platform needs to call endpoint POST Initiate Business application and submits all required data about client:
    • ConnectPay requires every account to have at least a minimum of one Master Authorized Representative, one Ultimate Beneficial Owner and one Director. Please provide all current Ultimate Beneficial Owners and Directors (one individual can fulfill multiple functions):
      • Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) (UBOs), nominee shareholder:
        • All UBO’s that own 25% or more of the company have to be added.
        • All controlling stakeholders* (regardless of the % ownership) have to be added.
        • If the company is owned in a structure involving a nominee shareholder, which either owns 25% or more of the company or has a controlling stake* in the company, please fill this form for all people involved including the settlors, trustees, beneficiaries, directors, shareholders and fiduciaries or equivalent position.
        • *A controlling stakeholder is an individual (or trust or other) with a controlling vote or veto vote.
      • Board of directors
  4. After successful data submission Platformwill get 200 response with application status APPLICATION_CAPTURED
  5. ConnectPay performs required onboarding and Know Your Customer (KYC) actions
  6. After the required actions are done, application status will be changed to APPLICATION_APPROVED or APPLICATION_DECLINED. Platform can get status change:
    1. via webhook application status notification. You can find information here how to subscribe ConnectPay webhooks
    2. or via endpoint GET application status
  7. Together with status APPLICATION_APPROVED Platform receives baasClientId. Based on baasClientID other actions can be performed: get BaaS Client list, get BaaS Client account, view BaaS Client account balance and etc.

Possible business application statuses

APPLICATION_CAPTUREDInforms that ConnectPay successfully received provided information
COMPLIANCE_REVIEWInforms that application is in compliance review
APPLICATION_APPROVEDInforms that application was approved and IBAN is issued, and other API can be initiated with provided baasClientID
APPLICATION_DECLINEDInforms that application was declined

Possible industry types and sub-types. Industry types marked in the dark background color

ACCOMMODATION_AND_FOOD_SERVICE_ACTIVITIESAccommodation and food service activities
ACCOMMODATION_AND_FOOD_SERVICE_ACTIVITIESAccommodation and food service activities
ADMINISTRATIVE_AND_SUPPORT_SERVICE_ACTIVITIESAdministrative and support service activities
EMPLOYMENT_ACTIVITIESEmployment activities
OFFICE_ADMINISTRATIVE_OFFICE_SUPPORT_AND_OTHER_BUSINESS_SUPPORT_ACTIVITIESOffice administrative, office support and other business support activities
RENTAL_AND_LEASING_ACTIVITIESRental and leasing activities
SECURITY_AND_INVESTIGATION_ACTIVITIESSecurity and investigation activities
SERVICES_TO_BUILDINGS_AND_LANDSCAPE_ACTIVITIESServices to buildings and landscape activities
TRAVEL_AGENCY_TOUR_OPERATOR_AND_OTHER_RESERVATION_SERVICE_AND_RELATED_ACTIVITIESTravel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities
AGRICULTURE_FORESTRY_AND_FISHINGAgriculture, forestry and fishing
CROP_AND_ANIMAL_PRODUCTION_HUNTING_AND_RELATED_SERVICE_ACTIVITIESCrop and animal production, hunting and related service activities
FISHING_AND_AQUACULTUREFishing and aquaculture
FORESTRY_AND_LOGGINGForestry and logging
ARTS_ENTERTAINMENT_AND_RECREATIONArts, entertainment and recreation
CREATIVE_ARTS_AND_ENTERTAINMENT_ACTIVITIESCreative, arts and entertainment activities
LIBRARIES_ARCHIVES_MUSEUMS_AND_OTHER_CULTURAL_ACTIVITIESLibraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities
SPORTS_ACTIVITIES_AND_AMUSEMENT_AND_RECREATION_ACTIVITIESSports activities and amusement and recreation activities
ELECTRICITY_GAS_STEAM_AND_AIR_CONDITIONING_SUPPLYElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
ELECTRICITY_GAS_STEAM_AND_AIR_CONDITIONING_SUPPLYElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
FINANCIAL_AND_INSURANCE_ACTIVITIESFinancial and insurance activities
ACTIVITIES_OF_HOLDING_COMPANIESActivities of holding companies
BANKS_OR_CREDIT_UNIONSBanks or Credit Unions
CONSUMER_CREDIT_PAYDAY_LOANS_PAWNBROKERS_PREPAID_AND_OR_GIFT_CARDSConsumer credit, payday loans, pawnbrokers, prepaid and/or gift cards
INSURANCE_REINSURANCE_AND_PENSION_FUNDING_EXCEPT_COMPULSORY_SOCIAL_SECURITYInsurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security
PAYMENT_SERVICE_PROVIDERS_ELECTRONIC_MONEY_INSTITUTIONSPayment service providers, Electronic Money Institutions
PHYSICAL_CURRENCY_EXCHANGEPhysical currency exchange
GAMBLING_AND_BETTING_ACTIVITIESGambling and betting activities
ONLINE_GAMING_OR_GAMBLINGOnline gaming / Gambling
PAYING_AGENTPaying agent
HUMAN_HEALTH_AND_SOCIAL_WORK_ACTIVITIESHuman health and social work activities
HUMAN_HEALTH_ACTIVITIESHuman health activities
RESIDENTIAL_CARE_AND_SOCIAL_WORK_ACTIVITIESResidential care and Social work activities
INFORMATION_AND_COMMUNICATIONInformation and communication
COMPUTER_PROGRAMMING_CONSULTANCY_AND_RELATED_ACTIVITIESComputer programming, consultancy and related activities
INFORMATION_SERVICE_ACTIVITIESInformation service activities
MOTION_PICTURE_VIDEO_AND_TELEVISION_PROGRAMME_PRODUCTION_SOUND_RECORDING_AND_MUSIC_PUBLISHING_ACTIVITIESMotion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities
PROGRAMMING_AND_BROADCASTING_ACTIVITIESProgramming and broadcasting activities
PUBLISHING_ACTIVITIESPublishing activities
MANUFACTURE_OF_BASIC_METALSFABRICATED_METAL_PRODUCTS_EXCEPT_MACHINERY_AND_EQUIPMENTManufacture of basic metals,fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
MANUFACTURE_OF_BASIC_PHARMACEUTICAL_PRODUCTS_AND_PHARMACEUTICAL_PREPARATIONSManufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations
MANUFACTURE_OF_BEVERAGESManufacture of beverages
MANUFACTURE_OF_CHEMICALS_AND_CHEMICAL_PRODUCTSManufacture of chemicals and chemical products
MANUFACTURE_OF_COKE_AND_REFINED_PETROLEUM_PRODUCTSManufacture of coke and refined petroleum products
MANUFACTURE_OF_COMPUTER_ELECTRONIC_AND_OPTICAL_PRODUCTSManufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
MANUFACTURE_OF_ELECTRICAL_EQUIPMENTManufacture of electrical equipment
MANUFACTURE_OF_FOOD_PRODUCTSManufacture of food products
MANUFACTURE_OF_FURNITUREManufacture of furniture
MANUFACTURE_OF_LEATHER_AND_RELATED_PRODUCTSManufacture of leather and related products
MANUFACTURE_OF_MACHINERY_AND_EQUIPMENT_NECManufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
MANUFACTURE_OF_MOTOR_VEHICLES_TRAILERS_AND_SEMI_TRAILERSManufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
MANUFACTURE_OF_OTHER_NON_METALLIC_MINERAL_PRODUCTSManufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
MANUFACTURE_OF_OTHER_TRANSPORT_EQUIPMENTManufacture of other transport equipment
MANUFACTURE_OF_PAPER_AND_PAPER_PRODUCTSManufacture of paper and paper products
MANUFACTURE_OF_RUBBER_AND_PLASTIC_PRODUCTSManufacture of rubber and plastic products
MANUFACTURE_OF_TEXTILESManufacture of textiles
MANUFACTURE_OF_TOBACCO_PRODUCTSManufacture of tobacco products
MANUFACTURE_OF_WEAPONS_AND_AMMUNITIONManufacture of weapons and ammunition
MANUFACTURE_OF_WEARING_APPARELManufacture of wearing apparel
MANUFACTURE_OF_WOOD_AND_OF_PRODUCTS_OF_WOOD_AND_CORK_EXCEPT_FURNITURE_MANUFACTURE_OF_ARTICLES_OF_STRAW_AND_PLAITING_MATERIALSManufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials
OTHER_MANUFACTURINGOther manufacturing
PRINTING_AND_REPRODUCTION_OF_RECORDED_MEDIAPrinting and reproduction of recorded media
REPAIR_AND_INSTALLATION_OF_MACHINERY_AND_EQUIPMENTRepair and installation of machinery and equipment
MINING_AND_QUARRYINGMining and quarrying
EXTRACTION_OF_CRUDE_PETROLEUM_AND_NATURAL_GASExtraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
MINING_OF_COAL_AND_LIGNITEMining of coal and lignite
MINING_OF_METAL_ORESMining of metal ores
MINING_SUPPORT_SERVICE_ACTIVITIESMining support service activities
OTHER_MINING_AND_QUARRYINGOther mining and quarrying
OTHER_SERVICE_ACTIVITIESOther service activities
ACTIVITIES_OF_MEMBERSHIP_ORGANISATIONSActivities of membership organisations
FUNERAL_AND_RELATED_ACTIVITIESFuneral and related activities
HAIRDRESSING_AND_OTHER_BEAUTY_TREATMENTHairdressing and other beauty treatment
OTHER_PERSONAL_SERVICE_ACTIVITIES_NECOther personal service activities n.e.c.
PHYSICAL_WELL_BEING_ACTIVITIESPhysical well-being activities
REPAIR_OF_COMPUTERS_AND_PERSONAL_AND_HOUSEHOLD_GOODSRepair of computers and personal and household goods
WASHING_AND_DRY_CLEANING_OF_TEXTILE_AND_FUR_PRODUCTSWashing and (dry-)cleaning of textile and fur products
PROFESSIONAL_SCIENTIFIC_AND_TECHNICAL_ACTIVITIESProfessional, scientific and technical activities
ACTIVITIES_OF_HEAD_OFFICES_MANAGEMENT_CONSULTANCY_ACTIVITIESActivities of head offices; management consultancy activities
ADVERTISING_AND_MARKET_RESEARCHAdvertising and market research
ARCHITECTURAL_AND_ENGINEERING_ACTIVITIES_TECHNICAL_TESTING_AND_ANALYSISArchitectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
LEGAL_AND_ACCOUNTING_ACTIVITIESLegal and accounting activities
OTHER_PROFESSIONAL_SCIENTIFIC_AND_TECHNICAL_ACTIVITIESOther professional, scientific and technical activities
SCIENTIFIC_RESEARCH_AND_DEVELOPMENTScientific research and development 
VETERINARY_AND_PET_CARE_SERVICESVeterinary and pet care services
PUBLIC_ADMINISTRATION_AND_DEFENCE_COMPULSORY_SOCIAL_SECURITYPublic administration and defence; compulsory social security
PUBLIC_ADMINISTRATION_AND_DEFENCE_COMPULSORY_SOCIAL_SECURITYPublic administration and defence; compulsory social security
REAL_ESTATE_ACTIVITIESReal estate activities
REAL_ESTATE_ACTIVITIESReal estate activities
TRANSPORTATION_AND_STORAGETransportation and storage
AIR_TRANSPORTAir transport
LAND_TRANSPORT_AND_TRANSPORT_VIA_PIPELINESLand transport and transport via pipelines
POSTAL_AND_COURIER_ACTIVITIESPostal and courier activities
WAREHOUSING_AND_SUPPORT_ACTIVITIES_FOR_TRANSPORTATIONWarehousing and support activities for transportation
WATER_TRANSPORTWater transport
WATER_SUPPLY_SEWERAGE_WASTE_MANAGEMENT_AND_REMEDIATION_ACTIVITIESWater supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
WATER_SUPPLY_SEWERAGE_WASTE_MANAGEMENT_AND_REMEDIATION_ACTIVITIESWater supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
WHOLESALE_AND_RETAIL_TRADEWholesale and retail trade
DISPENSING_CHEMIST_IN_SPECIALISED_STORESDispensing chemist in specialised stores
NON_SPECIALISED_WHOLESALE_TRADENon-specialised wholesale trade
OTHER_RETAIL_SALE_OF_NEW_GOODS_IN_SPECIALISED_STORESOther retail sale of new goods in specialised stores
OTHER_SPECIALISED_WHOLESALEOther specialised wholesale
RETAIL_SALE_IN_NON_SPECIALISED_STORESRetail sale in non-specialised stores
RETAIL_SALE_OF_AUTOMOTIVE_FUEL_IN_SPECIALISED_STORESRetail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores
RETAIL_SALE_OF_CLOTHING_IN_SPECIALISED_STORESRetail sale of clothing in specialised stores
RETAIL_SALE_OF_COSMETIC_AND_TOILET_ARTICLES_IN_SPECIALISED_STORESRetail sale of cosmetic and toilet articles in specialised stores
RETAIL_SALE_OF_CULTURAL_AND_RECREATION_GOODS_IN_SPECIALISED_STORESRetail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialised stores
RETAIL_SALE_OF_FLOWERS_PLANTS_SEEDS_FERTILISERS_PET_ANIMALS_AND_PET_FOOD_IN_SPECIALISED_STORESRetail sale of flowers, plants, seeds, fertilisers, pet animals and pet food in specialised stores
RETAIL_SALE_OF_FOOD_BEVERAGES_AND_TOBACCO_IN_SPECIALISED_STORESRetail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialised stores
RETAIL_SALE_OF_FOOTWEAR_AND_LEATHER_GOODS_IN_SPECIALISED_STORESRetail sale of footwear and leather goods in specialised stores
RETAIL_SALE_OF_INFORMATION_AND_COMMUNICATION_EQUIPMENT_IN_SPECIALISED_STORESRetail sale of information and communication equipment in specialised stores
RETAIL_SALE_OF_MEDICAL_AND_ORTHOPAEDIC_GOODS_IN_SPECIALISED_STORESRetail sale of medical and orthopaedic goods in specialised stores
RETAIL_SALE_OF_OTHER_HOUSEHOLD_EQUIPMENT_IN_SPECIALISED_STORESRetail sale of other household equipment in specialised stores
RETAIL_SALE_OF_SECOND_HAND_GOODS_IN_STORESRetail sale of second-hand goods in stores
RETAIL_SALE_OF_WATCHES_AND_JEWELLERY_IN_SPECIALISED_STORESRetail sale of watches and jewellery in specialised stores
RETAIL_TRADE_IN_MARKETPLACESRetail trade in marketplaces
WHOLESALE_AND_RETAIL_TRADE_AND_REPAIR_OF_MOTOR_VEHICLES_AND_MOTORCYCLESWholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
WHOLESALE_OF_AGRICULTURAL_RAW_MATERIALS_AND_LIVE_ANIMALSWholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals
WHOLESALE_OF_FOOD_BEVERAGES_AND_TOBACCOWholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
WHOLESALE_OF_HOUSEHOLD_GOODSWholesale of household goods
WHOLESALE_OF_INFORMATION_AND_COMMUNICATION_EQUIPMENTWholesale of information and communication equipment
WHOLESALE_OF_OTHER_MACHINERY_EQUIPMENT_AND_SUPPLIESWholesale of other machinery, equipment and supplies

Required supporting documents for companies which country of incorporation is Lithuania

DocumentAPI parameterConditionsDescription
All license(s) issued by any government or government-supported institutioncompany.govermentalLicense.fileIdMandatory:
if company is a gambling operator
if company licensed by any government or government supported institution (company.govermentalLicense.isLicensed = True)
If the company is licensed by any government or government supported institution then need to provide public source (link) where license can be validated.
If public source (link) can not be provided, the license itself must be provided and certified by Apostille.
Document must contain: company name, registration number/address, the authority which issued the license, license type (may include license class type), license status (active), issuing date, the term of validity.
AML/CFT and Fraud procedurescompany.amlFraudProcedures.fileidMandatory when company industry and industry sub-type:
gambling and betting activities. For all industry sub-types
financial and insurance activities. For all industry sub-types, except Activities of holding companies
Document must contain: information to which company/group AML/CFT and Fraud procedures belong.
Documents should be dated and signed by the responsible senior management body.
Clear copy of passport, National ID or Residence Permitpersons[].identityDocument.fileIdIt is mandatory to provide copy of documents (front and back sides), when identity verification is not provided (no personid ).Provided documents must be international documents (translation to English provided in the ID).
Passports and IDs – for EEA, outside of EEA – only passports are acceptable.
Only LT issued Residence Permits are accepted.
Document must contain: name, surname, date of birth/personal code, citizenship, ID number, ID issue date, ID expiration date, person photo.
Dated extract from the company register, issued within the past 6 monthscompany.extractFromCompanyRegistry.fileIdMandatoryDocument must contain: company name, legal form of company, date of registration or incorporation, registration number, address of incorporation and place of business, details on Senior management member(s), shareholder names, % of shares held.
Detailed corporate chart clearly defining the Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)company.uboStructureChart.fileidOptionalOwnership chart does not have to be provided if the customer is directly owned by beneficial owner(s).
Document must contain: each layer of shareholders and their respective shares up to the UBO.
Company group chartcompany.companyGroupChart.fileidMandatory if the company is part of a larger group structure of companies forming the overall business (company.isSubsidiary = True)Document must contain: company group chart showing all companies in the structure up to the Ultimate Beneficial Owner. This chart should include all companies in the group. State for each company the country of incorporation, the purpose or activity, the name of the director and specify the shareholding for each company.
Document justifying opening of segregated accountaccount.segregatedAccountDocument.fileIdOptionalConfirmation required:
that the company has the obligation to segregate its customers‘ funds according to local legal acts
can use Electronic Money Institution‘s account for segregation of its customers‘ funds
agreements with the Payment processors which will settle funds in Segregated Account (if applicable).
Documents confirming the beneficial ownershipcompany.beneficialOwnershipDocument.fileIdMandatoryThe document should be extracted from the JANGIS system:
Document must contain: UBOs name, surname, citizenship, date of birth/personal code, % of shares held, addresses.
Master Authorized Representative power of attorneypersons[].powerOfAttorney.fileIdIt is mandatory to provide power of attorney document when Master Authorized Representative (MAR) doesn’t have role DIRECTOR (persons.roles)Power of Attorney must be signed by current director(s) of the company.
Document must contain: rights to open, manage and close the account, date of the document issuance/power to represent, term of validity of the document/power to represent.
Details of the individual: name, surname, personal code/date of birth, ID document No.
Company details: company name, company registration no., company registered address.
Power of Attorney issued in Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Moldova does not have to be legalized or certified by Apostille. Notary certification is sufficient.
Any other documents you would like to add to support this applicationadditionalDocuments[].fileIdadditionalDocuments[].descriptionOptional

Required supporting documents for companies which country of incorporation is not Lithuania

DocumentAPI parameterCountryConditionsDescription
All license(s) issued by any government or government-supported institutioncompany.govermentalLicense.fileIdAll countriesMandatory:
if company is a gambling operator
if company licensed by any government or government supported institution (company.govermentalLicense.isLicensed = True)
If the company is licensed by any government or government supported institution then need to provide public source (link) where license can be validated.
If public source (link) can not be provided, the license itself must be provided and certified by Apostille.
Document must contain: company name, registration number/address, the authority which issued the license, license type (may include license class type), license status (active), issuing date, the term of validity.
AML/CFT and Fraud procedurescompany.amlFraudProcedures.fileidAll countriesMandatory when company industry and industry sub-type:gambling and betting activities. For all industry sub-typesfinancial and insurance activities. For all industry sub-types, except Activities of holding companiesDocument must contain: information to which company/group AML/CFT and Fraud procedures belong.
Documents should be dated and signed by the responsible senior management body.
Certificate of incorporation (or the equivalent for the applicable jurisdiction)company.certificateIncorporation.fileidAll countriesMandatory if the document is available in that jurisdiction.Document must contain: company name, legal form of company, date of registration or incorporation, registration number, issue date and country.
Certificate of Incumbency and Certificate of Good Standingcompany.certificateIncumbency.fileidThe list of the countries could be found here
Please check the latest version of the document
Mandatory for companies registered in the offshore/target territoriesCertificate of Incumbency document must contain: company name, legal form of company, date of registration or incorporation, registration number, address of incorporation and place of business, details on Senior management member(s), shareholder names, % of shares held.
Certificate of Good Standing document must contain: company name, legal form of company, registration number, country, confirmation of company’s good standing.
Document must be not older than 6 months and certified by an Apostille.
Clear copy of passport, National IDpersons[].identityDocument.fileIdAll countriesIt is mandatory to provide copy of documents (front and back sides), when identity verification is not provided (no personid ).Provided documents must be international documents (translation to English provided in the ID).
Passports and IDs – for EEA, outside of EEA – only passports are acceptable.
Document must contain: name, surname, date of birth/personal code, citizenship, ID number, ID issue date, ID expiration date, person photo.
Companies registered in international offshore financial centers should provide documents evidencing their economic activity: agreements, invoices, transport documents, (CMR, BoL) list of the countries could be found here
Please check the latest version of the document
Mandatory for companies registered in the offshore/target territoriesDocument must contain: company/counterparty name/trade name and address, description and amount of provided goods/services, fees/prices, date of the document, signatures, departure and loading point, destination, etc.
Dated extract from the company register, issued within the past 6 monthscompany.extractFromCompanyRegistry.fileIdAll countriesMandatoryDocument must contain: company name, legal form of company, date of registration or incorporation, registration number, address of incorporation and place of business, details on Senior management member(s), shareholder names, % of shares held.
Detailed corporate chart clearly defining the Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)company.uboStructureChart.fileidAll countriesOptionalOwnership chart does not have to be provided if the customer is directly owned by beneficial owner(s).
Document must contain: each layer of shareholders and their respective shares up to the UBO.
Company group chartcompany.companyGroupChart.fileidAll countriesMandatory if the company is part of a larger group structure of companies forming the overall business (company.isSubsidiary = True)Document must contain: company group chart showing all companies in the structure up to the Ultimate Beneficial Owner. This chart should include all companies in the group. State for each company the country of incorporation, the purpose or activity, the name of the director and specify the shareholding for each company.
Detailed money flow chartcompany.moneyFlowChart.fileidThe list of the countries could be found here
Please check the latest version of the document
Mandatory for companies registered in the offshore/target territoriesPayments to be made in and out of the account, listing counterparty names and the purpose of those payments.
Document justifying opening of segregated accountaccount.segregatedAccountDocument.fileIdAll countriesOptionalConfirmation required:
that the company has the obligation to segregate its customers‘ funds according to local legal acts
can use Electronic Money Institution‘s account for segregation of its customers‘ funds
agreements with the Payment processors which will settle funds in Segregated Account (if applicable).
Documents confirming the beneficial ownershipcompany.beneficialOwnershipDocument.fileIdAll countriesMandatoryDocument must contain: UBOs name, surname, citizenship, date of birth/personal code, % of shares held, addresses.
Master Authorized Representative power of attorneypersons[].powerOfAttorney.fileIdAll countriesIt is mandatory to provide power of attorney document when Master Authorized Representative (MAR) does not have role DIRECTOR (persons.roles)Power of Attorney must be signed by current director(s) of the company.
Document must contain: rights to open, manage and close the account, date of the document issuance/power to represent, term of validity of the document/power to represent.
Details of the individual: name, surname, personal code/date of birth, ID document No.
Company details: company name, company registration no., company registered address.
Power of Attorney issued in Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Moldova does not have to be legalized or certified by Apostille. Notary certification is sufficient.
Memorandum and Articles of Association (or the equivalent for the applicable jurisdiction)company.memorandumArticleOfAssociation.fileIdAll countriesOptionalCertified English/Lithuanian translation (if the original is not in English or Lithuanian).
Document must contain: company name, legal form, registration number, country, document issue date.
Purpose of a payment account in EEAcompany.purposeOfAccount.fileidThe list of the countries could be found here
Please check the latest version of the document
Mandatory for companies registered in the offshore/target territoriesDocument must contain: explanation why does the company require a payment account in EEA.
Any other documents you would like to add to support this applicationadditionalDocuments[].fileIdadditionalDocuments[].descriptionAll countriesOptional
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