Identity verification using your provider’s data

Use this endpoint to do IDV for private clients or corporate client representatives.

Note! To set up the Ondato IDV provider in Stage/Production environments we will require your Ondato credentials (ClientID and ClientSecret) to be stored on our end

Identity verification with your provider steps are:

  1. When ConnectPay successfully receives your information and if your provided sessionId is valid, then you will get a response with status IDV_TOKEN_GENERATED and ConnectPay’s created personId
  2. The Platform must receive application status IDV_APPROVED:
  3. If the received status is IDV_DECLINED then start again from the first step

Possible identity verification statuses

IDV_TOKEN_GENERATEDConnectPay successfully received your information, and your provided sessionId is valid.
IDV_APPROVEDThe IDV of the end user has been declined
IDV_DECLINEDThe IDV of the end-user has been declined

Open an account for a private client

Open an account for a corporate client

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