Apple Pay

You can initiate commercial payments on behalf of your merchants using Apple Pay on your frontend. Currently, this flow is for web-based platforms only. If you plan to build a mobile app, please mention it to your account manager.

Prerequisites (initial setup):

  1. Select “+” sign and Merchant IDs under it

  1. Fill in the required data and register it

  1. Then you will need to create merchant identity certificate. Open your merchant identifier in Apple Developer Portal, click “Create certificate” under Apple Pay Merchant Identity Certificate sections (make sure you’re not in the Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate section). Upload .csr file received from #9 step and press “Continue”

As a BaaS partner, you can use the same Apple merchant identifier for all sub-merchants.

Apple Pay commercial payments are settled after 3 days of payment initiation.


Integration can be split into two parts – merchant validation together with session creation and payment initiation.

Merchant validation and session creation
if(window['ApplePaySession'] u0026amp;u0026amp; ApplePaySession.canMakePayments(u0022pass merchant id hereu0022))

  • countryCode – LT;
  • currencyCode – selected currency, for now EUR only;
  • supportedNetworks – visa, MasterCard
  • merchantCapabilities – supports3DS
  • label – your Platform name or what you want to show on the Apple pop-up;
  • amount – amount from the user’s selection.
nvar request = { countryCode: 'LT', currencyCode: 'EUR', supportedNetworks: ['visa', 'masterCard'], merchantCapabilities: ['supports3DS'], total: { label: 'Your Merchant Name', amount: '10.00' }, } var session = new ApplePaySession(3, request);n
const request = {n        countryCode: 'LT',n        currencyCode: 'EUR',n        supportedNetworks: ['visa', 'masterCard'],n        merchantCapabilities: ['supports3DS'],n        total: { label: 'ConnectPay', amount },n      }n  const session = new ApplePaySession(3, request);n  session.begin();n  session.onvalidatemerchant = (event) =u003e {n        const { validationURL } = event;n         // do the validation here         // after receiving the session object from back end call in         session.completeMerchantValidation(by passing the object here);n  };
  1. We will complete merchant validation with Apple, create a session, and return the merchant session object to you. Don’t modify this object; you’ll need to use it for payment authorization flow.
Payment initiation
session.onpaymentauthorized =  (event)=u003e {n        const token = event.payment.token;n        // handling the payment authorization n}
  1. After payment is completed on Apple, you can decide what to do with the user journey – show a success/failure message or redirect to the other page.

Splitting one payment for multiple

Access token and brand information

Single payments

Payment details


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