Banking as a Service – BaaS

The ConnectPay Banking as a Service API set allows you to embed finance in to your Product/Platform which will allow to offer financial services directly to your product end-users.

We offer those financial capabilities

  • Clients onboarding capabilities allow you to open a dedicated account to every end-user
  • Together with onboarding we provide you Compliance as a Service, where we take care of full KYC, IDV, screening, assessment of client eligibility, AML/CTF monitoring, reporting to authorities
  • Use all our payment capabilities: SEPA, Inst, Cross-border payments – to fulfill all your product needs
  • Issue VISA Debit Cards to make your product convenient for your direct clients
  • Accept payments and funds from your end-users and consumers to streamline all financial activities to single place
  • Create your own financial products with our robust APIs.

And all of it, while you can focus and build what you are best at by using our license and technology to handle the regulatory and technical complexity of financial services.




Card issuing

Accept payments

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