
This documentation will walk you through the steps how to get user and your (partner) accounts and transactions executed by user or partner. Below APIs will return accounts with currency, status and balances. Also you will be able to get booked and pending payment entries. Follow these instructions to access all details about accounts and payment entries.

Access/refresh token should have baas-user-sca scope to reach APIs below.

Please take into account that when a person using the user’s credentials is initiating any kind of action, the user’s access token is used in authorisation together with the Platform’s credentials. A full detailed flow of user credential management can be found here

Get BaaS user accounts

User accounts list can be retrieved using Get BaaS User Accounts. You will get list of user accounts with account id, account currency (we support multicurrency accounts), type, account level, status and balance. Please pay attention that we use Aggregation account level account id to get data about account in other APIs.

Get BaaS user payment entries (user)

After you get a list of user accounts then you could retrieve list of user’s payment entries. This Get BaaS user payment entries API returns full list of payments entries made by user. It returns booked entries i.e. completed payments and pending entries such as card authorizations. With this endpoint you could build and display list of operations for your customers.

Get BaaS user payment entries given transaction ID

 In case if you require to get only one exact payment entry of the user then you could use Get BaaS user payment entries given transaction ID endpoint. Endpoint requires unique transaction ID to retrieve single payment entry.

Get BaaS client accounts

Clients accounts list can be retrieved using Get BaaS Client Accounts. You will get list of accounts with account id, account currency (we support multicurrency accounts), type, account level, status and balance. Please pay attention that we use Aggregation account level account id to get data about account in other APIs.

Get BaaS payment entries

After you got list of accounts then you could retrieve list of payment entries. Get BaaS payment entries returns full list of payments entries. It returns booked entries i.e. completed payments and pending entries such as card authorizations. For instance this endpoint can be used when partner is performing reconciliation.

Get BaaS payment entries given transaction ID

In case if you require to get only one exact payment entry of then you could use Get BaaS payment entries given transaction ID endpoint. Endpoint requires unique transaction ID to retrieve single payment entry.