Payment initiation

Tip! Make sure the Access token of the logged user has baas-user-sca scope in it.

Parameters and their descriptions are mentioned below.

paymentRailPayment network infrastructure is used to execute money transfers.
ConnectPay supports the following payment rails:
Internal – between two ConnectPay accounts; SEPA SCT Inst – SEPA Instant Credit Transfer; SEPA SCT – SEPA Credit Transfer; SWIFT – cross border transfer
debtorNamePayer name
debtorAccount.ibanPayer account
ultimateDebtor.nameUltimate payer name
ultimateDebtor.dateOfBirthUltimate payer date of birth
creditorAccount.ibanBeneficiary account
creditorAccount.bicBeneficiary bank code
creditorAccount.bankBranchCodeBeneficiary bank branch code
creditorAccount.bankNameBeneficiary bank name
creditorNameBeneficiary name
creditorAddress.addressLine1Beneficiary address
creditorAddress.cityBeneficiary city
creditorAddress.postcodeBeneficiary post code
creditorAddress.stateBeneficiary state
creditorAddress.countryCodeBeneficiary country code using ISO 3166-1 standard
ultimateCreditor.nameUltimate beneficiary name
instructedAmount.amountPrecise instructed amount value.
For example: 9.00
instructedAmount.currencyInstructed currency
Available currencies: EUR, USD, CAD, JPY, PLN, GBP, CZK, CHF, AUD, SEK, DKK, NOK, HUF, RON, SGD, HKD
remittanceInformationUnstructuredPayment details
remittanceInformationStructured.referencePayment details
externalReferenceThe payment reference number provided by the customer

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