To check the initiated and authorized payment status on behalf of a BaaS Client, you need to call Get Payment Status API.
In the URL, you need to provide “paymentOrderNo”.
Please use “paymentOrderNo,” which was inputted in Authorize Payment without SCA API URL.
The response body will return “transactionStatus”.
"transactionStatus": "PDNG"
All possible transaction statuses are mentioned below.
Please note that status “PDNG” means payment order is still processing and has not reached one of final statuses: “ACSC” or “RJCT”, therefore do no create additional business logic for payment. For example, you must not create a retry mechanism for “PDNG” payments as they are still processing!
Status | Is Final | Description |
RCVD | NO | Payment order created |
PDNG | NO | Payment order in processing |
ACSC | YES | Payment order completed |
RJCT | YES | Payment order/payment failed or rejected |
Tip! Some of the payments may require manual AML examination thus they can be executed with a delay.
Payment initiation on behalf of BaaS Client

Payment initiation on behalf of BaaS Client