Repayment flow

This section outlines the detailed steps and sequence diagram for the repayment flow. The ConnectPay Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) APIs, which should be integrated for this flow, are outlined below.

The repayment flow involves the following entities: Investor, Borrower, Crowdfunding Platform, and ConnectPay.

Main steps:

  1. Repayment funds received from borrower’s external account:
    • When the time for repayment comes, borrowers usually send repayment funds (interest and principal) from their external account (outside ConnectPay). In this case borrowers must be informed that they need to send funds to their restricted account opened by the crowdfunding platform at ConnectPay. This should be an incoming payment to borrower’s restricted account.
  2. Notifications:
  3. Transfer of repayment funds to the project’s transactional account:
    • When funds are credited to the borrower’s restricted account, the crowdfunding platform can start repayment flow to investors. This flow consists of two sequential parts:
      • repayment funds movement to the project’s transactional account (see step no.3)
      • payout to investor’s restricted accounts (see step no.4)
  4. Payout to investor’s restricted account:
  5. Notifications:

Repayment flow

Standard Payments

Payment Status

Payment Initiation

Payment Authorization

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